卡爾加裏知音合唱團 (Calgary Zhi Yin Choir) 是由愛好音樂,喜愛合唱藝術,願為社會公益奉獻時間精力的華人組成的,經政府註冊的非營利性音樂團體。於二零零四年九月由指揮楊雪佳女士創立並開始指導排練演出。 其宗旨是通過合唱的形式弘揚中華文化藝術, 加強中加文化交流, 活躍社區生活, 通過合唱藝術提高音樂修養。合唱團取名為知音,其緣由是期望聚集愛好合唱的朋友,籍合唱而知音樂,因音樂而成知己。另外一個緣由是指揮在中國的時候有一個合唱團叫“知音”,希望卡爾加裏的這個“知音”與國內的“知音”遙相呼應,相映成輝。

The Calgary Zhi-Yin Choir was founded in September 2004 by conductor Shana Yang. This government registered non-profit organization is comprised of enthusiastic members who are not only committed to choir but also to community service. The choir’s mandate is to promote multiculturalism in Canada through Chinese arts by enriching the appreciation of music to its members. Translated into English, “Zhi-Yin” means friends in music. Like the name suggests, we hope that through our choir experience, we can grow to better understand music and, through this shared experience, build friendships .

The Calgary Zhi-Yin Choir wishes to express its sincere gratitude to the Alberta Foundation of Arts for providing operation grants from 2009. The money was used to support the cost associated with operations and programming.

我們歡迎您也成為我們中的一員,一同享受知音帶給您的快樂。請與我們聯繫 電話: 403-547-5198 email : info@zhiyinchoir.com


地址是:  Transalta Pavilion, 18 Mt Royal Cir SW, Calgary, AB T3E 7N5

地址是:Foothills Alliance Church 333 Edgepark Boulevard Northwest Calgary, AB T3A 4J9